About Elizabeth

So, what’s this all about, then?  And who is this person writing this?

That’s still to be discovered, to be perfectly honest.  Can you really sum up a person in a quick blurb?

If so, here it is.  I’m a writer and aspiring author.  I use “writer” in the loosest of all possible definitions: one who writes.  I’m in the process of turning myself into the more coveted label of author, which to me, adds the dimension of being published by someone who isn’t me.  I live fantasy, not reality, so that’s what I write too.  The imagination is a wonderful thing, and mine sometimes is more alluring to me than the real world.

I’m also a reader, a synthesizer of information, and a conduit for ideas.  These ideas take strange forms and sometimes they fly out the window.

In shorter form: I’m a psychology book junkie, information technology tinkerer, systems taker-aparter, and someone in great need of improvement.  Occasionally, in my more egotistical moments, I might delude myself that I possess something akin to insight.  If I’m feeling extremely boastful, I might even describe it as wisdom.  But, really, it’s a catalog of random information that’s actually occasionally helpful.  I hope I can help both of us improve.  If not, you can laugh at with me.

I’m Elizabeth.  How are you?


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